

The commands in this document starting with a hash (#) must be run as root or with superuser privileges.


Unit maintains a single general-purpose log for diagnostics and troubleshooting (not to be confused with the access log). To find out its default location in your installation:

$ unitd -h

    unit options:
    --log FILE           set log filename
                         default: "/path/to/unit.log"

The --log option overrides the default value; if Unit is already running, check whether this option is set:

$ ps ax | grep unitd
    unit: main v1.34.2 [/path/to/unitd ... --log /path/to/unit.log ...]

If Unit isn’t running, see its system startup scripts or configuration files to check if --log is set, and how.

Available log levels:

  • [alert]: Non-fatal errors such as app exceptions or misconfigurations.
  • [error]: Serious errors such as invalid ports or addresses.
  • [warn]: Recoverable issues such as umount2(2) failures.
  • [notice]: Self-diagnostic and router events.
  • [info]: General-purpose reporting.
  • [debug]: Debug events.


Mind that our Docker images forward their log output to the Docker log collector instead of a file.

Router events§

The log_route option in Unit’s settings allows recording routing choices in the general-purpose log:

Event Log Level Description
HTTP request line [notice] Incoming request line.
URI rewritten [notice] The request URI is updated.
Route step selected [notice] The route step is selected to serve the request.
Fallback taken [notice] A fallback action is taken after the step is selected.

Sample router logging output may look like this:

[notice] 8308#8339 *16 http request line "GET / HTTP/1.1"
[info] 8308#8339 *16 "routes/0" discarded
[info] 8308#8339 *16 "routes/1" discarded
[notice] 8308#8339 *16 "routes/2" selected
[notice] 8308#8339 *16 URI rewritten to "/backend/"
[notice] 8308#8339 *16 "fallback" taken

It lists specific steps and actions (such as routes/2) that can be queried via the control API for details:

# curl --unix-socket /path/to/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/routes/2

Debug Events§

Unit’s log can be set to record [debug]-level events; the steps to enable this mode vary by install method.


Debug log is meant for developers; it grows rapidly, so enable it only for detailed reports and inspection.

Our repositories provide a debug version of unitd called unitd-debug within the unit package:

# unitd-debug <command line options>

To enable debug-level logging when using our Docker images:

$ docker run -d unit:1.34.2-minimal unitd-debug --no-daemon  \
      --control unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock

Another option is adding a new layer in a Dockerfile:

FROM unit:1.34.2-minimal

CMD ["unitd-debug","--no-daemon","--control","unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock"]

The CMD instruction above replaces the default unitd executable with its debug version.

To enable debug-level logging when installing from source, use the --debug option:

$ ./configure --debug <other options>

Then recompile and reinstall Unit and your language modules of choice.

Core Dumps§

Core dumps help us investigate crashes; attach them when reporting an issue. For builds from our repositories, we maintain debug symbols in special packages; they have the original packages’ names with the -dbg suffix appended, such as unit-dbg.


This section assumes you’re running Unit as root (recommended).

To enable saving core dumps while running Unit as a systemd service (for example, with packaged installations), adjust the service settings in /lib/systemd/system/unit.service:


Alternatively, update the global settings in /etc/systemd/system.conf:


Next, reload the service configuration and restart Unit to reproduce the crash condition:

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart unit.service

After a crash, locate the core dump file:

# coredumpctl -1                     # optional

      TIME                            PID   UID   GID SIG COREFILE  EXE
      Mon 2020-07-27 11:05:40 GMT    1157     0     0  11 present   /usr/sbin/unitd
# ls -al /var/lib/systemd/coredump/  # default, see also /etc/systemd/coredump.conf and /etc/systemd/coredump.conf.d/*.conf

      -rw-r----- 1 root root 177662 Jul 27 11:05 core.unitd.0.6135489c850b4fb4a74795ebbc1e382a.1157.1590577472000000.lz4

Check the core dump settings in /etc/security/limits.conf, adjusting them if necessary:

root           soft    core       0          # disables core dumps by default
root           hard    core       unlimited  # enables raising the size limit

Next, raise the core dump size limit with ulimit, then restart Unit to reproduce the crash condition:

# ulimit -c unlimited
# cd /path/to/unit/
# sbin/unitd           # or sbin/unitd-debug

After a crash, locate the core dump file:

# ls -al /path/to/unit/working/directory/  # default location, see /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

      -rw-r----- 1 root root 177662 Jul 27 11:05 core.1157

Check the core dump settings in /etc/sysctl.conf, adjusting them if necessary:

# must be set to 1
# must provide a valid pathname

Alternatively, update the settings in runtime:

# sysctl kern.coredump=1
# sysctl kern.corefile=/path/to/core/files/%N.core

Next, restart Unit to reproduce the crash condition. If Unit is installed as a service:

# service unitd restart

If it’s installed manually:

# cd /path/to/unit/
# sbin/unitd

After a crash, locate the core dump file:

# ls -al /path/to/core/files/

      -rw-------  1 root     root  9912320 Jul 27 11:05 unitd.core

Getting Support§

Support Channel Details
GitHub Visit our repo to submit issues, suggest features, ask questions, or see the roadmap.
Mailing lists To post questions to and get notifications, including release news, email or sign up here. To receive all OSS release announcements from NGINX, join the general mailing list here.
Security alerts Please report security issues to, specifically mentioning NGINX Unit in the subject and following the CVSS v3.1 specification.

In addition, we offer commercial support.