Unit 1.13.0 Released§


I’m glad to announce a new release of NGINX Unit.

This release expands Unit’s functionality as a generic web server by introducing basic HTTP reverse proxying.

See the details in our documentation:

Compared to mature proxy servers and load balancers, Unit’s proxy features are limited now, but we’ll continue the advance.

Also, this release improves the user experience for Python and Ruby modules and remediates compatibility issues with existing applications in these languages.

Our long-term goal is to turn Unit into the ultimate high-performance building block that will be helpful and easy to use with web services of any kind. To accomplish this, Unit’s future releases will focus on the following aspects:

  • security, isolation, and DoS protection
  • ability to run various types of dynamic applications
  • connectivity with load balancing and fault tolerance
  • efficient serving of static media assets
  • statistics and monitoring
Changes with Unit 1.13.0                                         14 Nov 2019

   *) Feature: basic support for HTTP reverse proxying.

   *) Feature: compatibility with Python 3.8.

   *) Bugfix: memory leak in Python application processes when the close
      handler was used.

   *) Bugfix: threads in Python applications might not work correctly.

   *) Bugfix: Ruby on Rails applications might not work on Ruby 2.6.

   *) Bugfix: backtraces for uncaught exceptions in Python 3 might be
      logged with significant delays.

   *) Bugfix: explicit setting a namespaces isolation option to false might
      have enabled it.

Please feel free to share your experiences and ideas on GitHub:

Or via Unit mailing list:

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev