
OK, so you’ve decided to give Unit a try with your web app of choice. You may be looking for ways to run it faster with less config overhead, streamlining your technology stack, or simply be tech-curious. In any case:


Things to do

Check the prerequisites

  1. Verify that Unit supports your platform and app language version.

  2. If possible, ensure the app can run beside Unit to rule out external issues.

Get Unit on the system

  1. Install Unit with the language modules you need. Your options:

  2. Configure and launch Unit on your system:

    • Our own and third-party packages rely on systemctl or service.

    • Containerized Unit can be run with common docker commands.

    • If none of the above applies, customize Unit’s startup manually.

Prepare the app for Unit

  1. (Only applies to :ref:`Go <configuration-go>`) Patch your app to run on Unit.

  2. Choose common options such as app type, working directory, user/group.

  3. Add language-specific settings such as index, entry module, or executable.

Plug the app into Unit

  1. (Optional) Add Unit-wide settings to your app’s config to run it smoothly.

  2. Upload your config into Unit to spin up the app.

  3. (Optional) Set up a route to your app to benefit from internal routing.

  4. (Optional) Upload a certificate bundle if you want to support SSL/TLS.

  5. Finally, set up a listener to make your app publicly available.

For the details of each step, see specific documentation sections.