Unit Beta 0.6 Released§


I’m glad to announce a new beta of NGINX Unit with advanced process management and Perl/PSGI support. One of the Perl applications that has been tested is Bugzilla and it run with Unit flawlessly.

Here is a changes log of 0.5 and 0.6 versions:

Changes with Unit 0.5                                            08 Feb 2018

    *) Change: the "workers" application option was removed, the "processes"
       application option should be used instead.

    *) Feature: the "processes" application option with prefork and dynamic
       process management support.

    *) Feature: Perl application module.

    *) Bugfix: in reading client request body; the bug had appeared in 0.3.

    *) Bugfix: some Python applications might not work due to missing
       "wsgi.errors" environ variable.

    *) Bugfix: HTTP chunked responses might be encoded incorrectly on 32-bit

    *) Bugfix: infinite looping in HTTP parser.

    *) Bugfix: segmentation fault in router.

Changes with Unit 0.6                                            09 Feb 2018

    *) Bugfix: the main process died when the "type" application option
       contained version; the bug had appeared in 0.5.

The announce of 0.5 has been skipped as a serious regression was found right after the packages were built and published.

Besides the precompiled packages for CentOS, RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu, and Amazon Linux, now you can try Unit using official Docker containers. See the links below for details:

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev