To run apps built with the Koa web framework using Unit:
Install Unit with the unit-dev/unit-devel package. Next, install Unit’s unit-http package. Run the following command as root:
# npm install -g --unsafe-perm unit-http
Create your app directory, install Koa, and link unit-http:
$ mkdir -p /path/to/app/
$ cd /path/to/app/
$ npm install koa
Run the following command as root:
# npm link unit-http
Let’s try a version of the tutorial app, saving it as /path/to/app/app.js:
const Koa = require('koa'); const app = new Koa(); // logger app.use(async (ctx, next) => { await next(); const rt = ctx.response.get('X-Response-Time'); console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${rt}`); }); // x-response-time app.use(async (ctx, next) => { const start = Date.now(); await next(); const ms = Date.now() - start; ctx.set('X-Response-Time', `${ms}ms`); }); // response app.use(async ctx => { ctx.body = 'Hello, Koa on Unit!'; }); app.listen();
The file should be made executable so the application can run on Unit:
$ chmod +x app.js
Run the following command (as root) so Unit can access the application directory:
# chown -R unit:unit /path/to/app/
The unit:unit user-group pair is available only with official packages, Docker images, and some third-party repos. Otherwise, account names may differ; run the ps aux | grep unitd command to be sure.
For further details, including permissions, see the security checklist.
Next, prepare the Koa configuration for Unit:
{ "listeners": { "*:80": { "pass": "applications/koa" } }, "applications": { "koa": { "type": "external", "working_directory": "/path/to/app/", "executable": "/usr/bin/env", "arguments": [ "node", "--loader", "unit-http/loader.mjs", "--require", "unit-http/loader", "app.js" ] } } }
Upload the updated configuration. Assuming the JSON above was added to
. Run the following command as root:# curl -X PUT --data-binary @config.json --unix-socket \ /path/to/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/
The control socket path may vary; run unitd -h or see Startup and Shutdown for details.
After a successful update, your app should be available on the listener’s IP address and port:
$ curl http://localhost -v * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to localhost ( port 80 (#0) > GET / HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost > User-Agent: curl/7.68.0 > Accept: */* > * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 < Content-Length: 11 < X-Response-Time: 0ms < Server: Unit/1.34.2 Hello, Koa on Unit!