Unit 1.18.0 Released§


I’m glad to announce a new release of NGINX Unit.

This release includes a few internal routing improvements that simplify some configurations and a new isolation option for chrooting application processes called rootfs.

Changes with Unit 1.18.0                                        28 May 2020

    *) Feature: the "rootfs" isolation option for changing root filesystem
       for an application.

    *) Feature: multiple "targets" in PHP applications.

    *) Feature: support for percent encoding in the "uri" and "arguments"
       matching options and in the "pass" option.

Also, our official packages for the recently released Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) are available now:

At least two of the features in this release deserve special attention.

Changing The Root Filesystem§

Security is our top priority, so let’s look closer at the rootfs option first.

The coolest thing about it is that it’s not just a simple chroot() system call as some may expect. It’s not a secret that chroot() is not intended for security purposes, and there’s plenty of ways for an attacker to get out of the chrooted directory (just check “man 2 chroot”). That’s why on modern systems Unit can use pivot_root() with the mount namespace isolation enabled, which is way more secure and pretty similar to putting your application in an individual container.

Also, our goal is to make any security option as easy to use as possible. In this case, Unit automatically tries to mount all the necessary language-specific dependencies inside a new root, so you won’t need to care about them. Currently, this capability works for selected languages only, but the support will be extended in the next releases.

For more information and examples of rootfs usage, check the documentation:

Now to the second feature…

Multiple PHP Application “Targets”§

The other major update in this release is called targets, aiming to simplify configuration for many PHP applications. Perhaps, it is best illustrated by an example: WordPress. This is one of many applications that use two different addressing schemes:

  1. Most user requests are handled by index.php regardless of the actual request URI.
  2. Administration interface and some components rely on direct requests to specific .php scripts named in the URI.

Earlier, users had to configure two Unit applications to handle this disparity:

    "wp_index": {
        "type": "php",
        "user": "wp_user",
        "group": "wp_user",
        "root": "/path/to/wordpress/",
        "script": "index.php"

    "wp_direct": {
        "type": "php",
        "user": "wp_user",
        "group": "wp_user",
        "root": "/path/to/wordpress/"

The first app directly executes the .php scripts named by the URI, whereas the second one passes all requests to index.php.

Now, you can use targets instead:

    "wp": {
        "type": "php",
        "user": "wp_user",
        "group": "wp_user",

        "targets": {
            "index": {
                "root": "/path/to/wordpress/",
                "script": "index.php"

            "direct": {
                "root": "/path/to/wordpress/"

The complete example is available in our WordPress howto:

You can configure as many targets in one PHP application as you want, routing requests between them using various sophisticated request matching rules.

Check our website to know more about the new option:

To learn more about request matching rules:

Finally, see here for more howtos:

We have plenty of them, covering many popular web applications and frameworks, but if your favorite one is still missing, let us know by opening a ticket here:

To keep the finger on the pulse, refer to our further plans in the roadmap here:

Stay tuned!

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev